What is ISO Certification?
ISO is the acronym for the “International Organisation of Standardisation.” It’s an independent organisation based in Geneva Switzerland that has members from the National Standards Bodies of 165 countries.
Quality ISO9001
To obtain ISO9001 certification we demonstrated that our quality management system meets the requirements of the ISO9001 Standard. An audit was undertaken where we demonstrated compliance. The audit we undertook identifies the strength of how our organisation manages quality, and the opportunities that are available to improve the quality performance. There are five stages to obtaining this certification:
- Stage one: Gap analysis
- Stage two: Certification documentation
- Stage three: Developing a management system
- Stage four: Implementation
- Stage five: Auditing and ongoing improvements
How this benefits your switchboard
The ISO9001 certification is a globally recognised standard for quality management systems that provides several benefits:
Standardised processes: ISO9001 ensures we have documented and standardised processes, which can help to reduce errors and quality.
Improved customer satisfaction: By focusing on meeting customer needs and expectations, ISO9001 helps us to improve customer satisfaction.
Reduced waste and rework: By identifying and eliminating inefficiencies to obtain ISO9001 certification ensures we reduce waste and rework where we can.
Overall, by implementing a quality management system that meets the requirements of ISO9001, we demonstrate our high standard of quality for our customers
Health and Safety ISO45001:2018
ISO45001 is an International Standard that provides guidance to organisations and individuals responsible for safe work systems. An OHS management system promotes a healthy working environment by providing a framework to identify, control and manage OHS risks and opportunities. Organisations that hold an ISO45001 Certification showcase their dedication to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment, creating trust among clients, and potential partners. it demonstrates commitment to upholding industry best practices and compliance.
Environmental ISO14001
ISO14001 is an international standard, providing a high-level, structured approach to environmental protection. When it is fully implemented in an organisation through leadership, planning, support, controls, monitoring and continuous improvement, ISO14001 is designed to improve an organisations ability to manage environmental responsibilities in a systematic approach, providing value for the environment and your organisation.